What's New At IC School?

What's happening


  • Tuesday, June 4, Gr 7 College Heigths Tour at noon, Gr 4 & 5 Swimming 1-2pm
  • Wednesday, June 5-7 Gr 7 Camp Hughes
  • Thursday, June 6, Visually Impaired Persons Day, Gr K & 1 Railway Museum Trip, Gr 4 & 5 Swimming 1-2pm
  • Friday, June 7, Mass at the Cathedral at 10am 
  • Monday, June 10, Gr 4 & 5 Ft. St. James trip
  • Tuesday, June 11, Gr K &1 Exploration Place trip at 8:45am, Gr 4 & 5 Swimming 1-2pm
  • Wednesday, June 12, Gr K & 1 Co-op walking trip, PSG Meeting at 7 pm
  • Thursday, June 13, Gr 4 & 5 Swimming 1-2pm
  • Friday, June 14, Evening of the Arts at 6:30pm
  • Sunday, June 16, Father's Day
  • Tuesday, June 18, Gr 4 & 5 Swimming 1-2pm
  • Wednesday, June 19, Gr 6 Ness Lake trip, Kindergarten 2024 Orientation
  • Thursday, June 20, Gr 4 & 5 Swimming 1-2pm
  • Friday, June 21, National Indigenous Peoples Day, Orange Shirt Day
  • Monday, June 21, Sports Day
  • Tuesday, June 25, Gr 4 West Lake trip, Kindergarten Graduation at 1pm
  • Wednesday, June 26, Gr 7 Graduation and Mass at 9am, Term Three Reports go home, 11:45 am early dismissal
  • Thursday, June 27, Admin Day, No Scheduled Classes, Summer Break Begins
  • Friday, July 5, School office closes for the summer



Dates are subject to change. Please use the link to the school calendar at the bottom of the page for the most up to date information 


Acts of Service

Visit Our Faith page to see what students can participate in this month while knowing we Walk with Jesus, Our Living Hope, in our everyday lives and community.

Extra Curricular Activites

Visit our Extracurricular Activities page for all upcoming sports, arts and sciences events. Find permission slips, schedules and great pictures of the latest events.

Music Handbook


Theatre Productions






Check out our Facebook page for latest news, photos and upcoming events!


Check out all we are doing and learning on Instagram: icschoolpg.


Be Sure to Read our Newsletter to find important information for parents regarding what is happening at Immaculate Conception School.

June Newsletter 

June Mid-Month Bulletin


Don't forget to visit the School Calendar for current up to date information.